New Exchange

Playford, 1651, 1652, 1657, 1665, 1670, 1675, 1679, 1686

Longwayes for six

“Lead up all forwards and back, set and change places . That againe : First man set to his owne Wo. the 2. As much, the third turne his owne .: Third man set to his owne, the 2. As much, the first man turne his own :: Sides all, set and change places . That againe : First man and last Wo. meet and stand, first Wo and last man as much, First man and last wo. change places, the other change, the 2. Change with his owne .: This change back to your places : : Armes all, set and change places . That againe : First Cu. goe downe betweene the 2, the third come up betweene the first the 2. Come downe betweene the third, set and turne S. .: All this againe, to your places : :

Music AA(8) musical (4 dance) measures repeated 12X

AA Split doubles but slip to change places instead of turning

AA First man sets to his partner; second as well; third turns his partner. Third man sets to his partner; second as well; first turns his partner

AA Split siding but slip to change places instead of turning

AA First man & last women meet, first women & last man as well, (to beat of 8) first corners change, second corners change and second couple change with each other. Same back

AA Split arming but slip to change places instead of turning

AA Half the mirror hey, set and turn single; complete the hey, set and turn single

Music: Shepheards Holyday by Wandering Hand


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